It’s not just our physical bodies that sometimes need supplement support. Our mental health can benefit from supplementation too. Important brain nutrients are Vitamin B12 (a deficiency can contribute to depression and affects 25% of the population) Vitamin D (Vitamin D receptors appear in a wide variety of brain tissue suggesting vitamin D has an important role to play in your brain) and Omega-3 fats – important for mental clarity, focus and have been show to improve serious mental disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, psychosis and bipolar disorder. Most people are deficient in all 3.
Rosie S, of Port Elizabeth says: “I am so impressed with OMEGA-UP™. I was experiencing mild depression and started using OMEGA-UP After just a few weeks I was feeling on top of the world! However I was sceptical it was the effects of using EPA until I ran out and the emotional heaviness returned. I started taking OMEGA-UP again and in no time I started noticing the difference in my feelings of well being and general happiness. I am now completely convinced of the importance of OMEGA-UP’s 7:1 EPA to DHA ratio!”