Your digestive health is central to your overall health. When your gut doesn’t digest your food properly, you won’t just be experiencing gastric discomfort. You’re also not getting the full benefit of the nutrients in your food and your overall wellbeing is compromised. What’s the best way to support your gut health? THE CONVENIENCE FACTOR In our busy lives, it’s tempting to take the approach that’s easiest and most convenient and that usually means opting for conventional medication. It’s very understandable – after all it usually offers immediate relief of symptoms. However, what’s often overlooked is the long-term effect of treating just the symptoms in the short term: you don’t address the underlying condition that’s causing the problems and there are some serious side-effects to consider which are all too quickly overlooked. THE QUICK, EASY OPTION Antacids or acid blocking medications such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) or H2 Blockers are usually the treatment of choice for digestive ailments. Most antacid disclaimers advise that the product should be stopped after 14 days, whilst PPIs and H2 Blockers’disclaimers state that the product should be discontinued after 8 weeks. The truth is, conventional medication only offers short-term relief of symptoms, it doesn’t address the root cause of the problem, the underlying issues. The way that PPI’s and H2 Blockers work is to suppress the body’s natural secretion of gastric juices. Antacids are alkaline-based and are used to neutralize stomach acid. Doing this on a regular basis has been found to increase the occurrence of food allergies. According to Professor Erika Jensen-Jarolim and colleagues at the University of Vienna “Medications that reduce acid secretion or neutralize the acidity within the stomach may set up a situation where harmless food proteins become potential allergens, which can then trigger an immune system response resulting in an allergic reaction.” The body is unable to absorb the vital nutrients essential for optimal functioning without sufficient levels of stomach acid. Without the proper digestion of these nutrients, the brain, bone, immunity and nerve functions are all compromised. Apart from anything else, there are also a significant number of side effects of antacids: Anxiety, Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Headaches, Fatigue, Kidney Stones, Hypercalcemia, Mood Swings, Muscle Pain, Nausea, Osteoporosis, Renal Failure, Rickets, Urination Frequency and Discomfort. THE OTHER OPTION Research shows that Pinolenic acid –found in high concentrations in Siberian Pine Nut Oil –is known to help with digestion, balancing out the stomach environment and preventing food from fermenting in the digestive tract. This leads to the effective relief of bloating, pain, acid reflux and other stomach problems. It is a natural solution which optimizes your digestive processes. The Other Option’s DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ Siberian Pine Nut Oil is a supplement with NO NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS and can be taken on a LONG TERM BASIS. Visit our page on the various digestive disorders that DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ treats as well as dosage advice and directions. There are a number of other positive side effects to using a natural remedy such as Siberian Pine Nut Oil including: improved complexion lower cholesterol increased energy, immunity and metabolism. We recommend taking the cold-pressed natural oil – just a teaspoon three times a day is the recommended dose – as opposed to capsules. We believe that the less processing there is, the better. The additional processing involved in producing the oil in capsule form can expose the oil to metal as well as heat which can result in a loss of quality and nutritional value. There’s significant evidence that Siberian Pine Nut Oil has a positive impact on a wide range of digestive health issues. It cannot be overstated how one’s digestive health impacts dramatically on one’s overall well-being. A happy tummy really does mean a happy you! More than 2 results are available in the PRO version (This notice is only visible to admin users) 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach.
Author: The Other Option
STRESSY MOMMY Yes of course we love our kids! But when we’re stressed out because maybe we’re a single mom, running a household, a job AND trying to be a great mom to our kids, we can feel overwhelmed. Especially if we also have a child with special needs. See our previous blog on ADHD here GOOD STRESS vs BAD STRESS Contrary to popular belief, experiencing stress is natural and actually necessary. It’s an instinct that has helped us get out of dodgy situations like being eaten by a large, fanged and clawed animal. However, modern stress has become a chronic state that’s also eating away at us: we are prone to constant anxiety, feeling wired and hyped up. This isn’t sustainable, for our bodies, our brains or our emotional state and if left to continue will result in health issues such as depression and impaired memory. OMEGA-3 AND THE BRAIN There are two omega-3 fatty acids in the brain. The first is called DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) This is primarily a structural component for the brain. The other is called EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) This is the primary anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acid for the brain. So if levels of EPA are low in the blood, they are going to be low in the brain. In addition, the lifetime of EPA in the brain is very limited. This means you have to replenish EPA in the blood stream to control neuro-inflammation. Findings published in the professional journal Free Radical Research suggest that taking supplemental omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA may help alleviate the negative effects of chronic physical and emotional stress. Findings published in the professional journal Free Radical Research suggest that taking supplemental omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA may help alleviate the negative effects of chronic physical and emotional stress. OMEGA-3 HELPS TO ALLEVIATE STRESS In one study, researchers gave volunteers 7.2 grams a day of fish oil for three weeks and then subjected them to a battery of mental stress tests which caused changes in people’s heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels. After three weeks of fish oil supplementation, however, the rise in cortisol levels after stress testing was significantly less. Supplementation with fish oil seems to work at the level of the central nervous system to inhibit the adrenal activation – it’s the adrenal glands which produce cortisol, the major stress hormone. So if you’re a stressed mom, increasing your omega-3 intake can certainly help! Omega-UP is a triple strength Omega-3 EPA, containing 3 times more EPA than ordinary fish oil. Each softgel capsule is 100% pure fish oil containing 700mg Omega-3 EPA, 80mg Omega-3 DHA as well as having a superior 7:1 EPA: DHA ratio. Read here to learn more. Resources: 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. BEHAVIOURAL & COGNITIVE HEALTH, OMEGA-UP™ July 27, 2018 Previous PostNext Post
WHAT IS ADHD? Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurological and behaviour-related condition that causes difficulties in concentrating, impulsiveness and excessive energy. Those diagnosed with ADHD have trouble focusing their attention for any length of time, find it impossible to sit still and are often disruptive in the classroom. ADHD typically affects mostly males, especially male children and has an average onset age of around 7 although the disorder can begin as young as 4 and may continue well through teen years and even into adulthood. According to the NIH’s National Institute of Mental Health, the number of children being diagnosed with ADHD is increasing and research indicates that this may be partly related to diet. BESTS FOODS FOR ADHD A nutrient-dense diet high in vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, nuts, seeds, organic meats (ie: no hormonal additives) will help to keep your child’s blood sugar steady. There’s a lot of research which suggests that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids is significantly beneficial for ADHD. And if you’re looking to boost your child’s omega-3s, then the top supplement for ADHD is fish oil due to the high levels of omega 3 in fish oil. WHY OMEGA-3 FOR ADHD? Our bodies can’t produce omega-3s on their own which is why we need to eat sufficient quantities in conjunction with taking a good supplement. If you look at the benefits of omega-3s, it’s not surprising that they play such a significant role in helping with ADHD. Research shows that omega 3 supplementation, particularly with higher doses of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) could be effective in the treatment of ADHD. From seven clinical tests, it was discovered that omega-3 fatty acids improved the clinical symptoms of ADHD, such as inattention and hyperactivity, according to reports made by the parents of the observed children. In addition, the study revealed that the reduction in hyperactivity was only seen when the study participants had 500 milligrams per day or more of EPA. Omega-UP is a triple strength Omega-3 EPA, containing 3 times more EPA than ordinary fish oil. Each softgel capsule is 100% pure fish oil containing 700mg Omega-3 EPA, 80mg Omega-3 DHA as well as having a superior 7:1 EPA: DHA ratio. Omega-UP is suitable for children from 10 onwards starting with one capsule a day and increasing to two capsules from age 13. Read here to learn more. Resources: 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. BEHAVIOURAL & COGNITIVE HEALTH, OMEGA-UP™ July 13, 2018 Previous PostNext Post
Here’s a wonderful testimonial for The Other Option’s DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ I can feel and see a big difference! by Shirley Lord, Eastern Cape, Hofmeyer “I was truly at my wit’s end as absolutely everything I ate affected me to such an extent that I felt like I would never feel normal again! After just 10 days of taking The Other Option’s DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ Siberian Pine Nut Oil I can feel and see a big difference! My bloated stomach, gas and stomach pain have subsided considerably! I am so excited about feeling normal again and will continue to reap the benefits of taking my oil! I highly recommend The Other Option’s DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ Siberian Pine Nut Oil!” 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. Uncategorized June 28, 2018 Previous PostNext Post
Answer: Myth The major part of the digestive process takes place in the small intestine. The stomach takes in the food, then churns it and breaks it into tiny particles called “chyme.” The chyme is then released in small batches into the small intestine, where most digestion occurs. Contrary to popular belief, foods do not digest in the order they are eaten. Everything lands in the stomach where it’s all churned together, and only when it’s ready is it released into the small intestines together. Source: 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. DID YOU KNOW? June 25, 2018 Previous PostNext Post
Intestinal gas is made up of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane. And if you have gas in your digestive system, there are only two ways it can be expelled: upwards (burping) or downwards (flatus). Otherwise, it remains trapped in your digestive system and that’s when you get bloating. Yes, it’s embarrassing, all that flatulence! And like factories belching out their waste, it’s all too obvious when in public. So what to do? Well, there are three things to consider when reducing gas and bloating: your behaviour, foods to limit and helpful, natural remedies. What you might be doing to cause gas and bloating Eating too much rich and fatty foods: fat takes longer to digest than carbohydrates and proteins resulting in food staying longer in your stomach and therefore leading to fermentation which leads to gas. Swallowing air: at least half of the gas within your digestive system is theresult of swallowed air. By avoiding the following eating habits, you can reduce the amount of air you take in: Eating too fast Talking too much whilst eating Drinking through a straw Chewing gum Guzzling carbonated beverages Sucking on hard candy Foods to Limit The colon is filled with bacteria, yeasts and fungi, which break down the foods not digested by the small intestine, mostly different forms of carbohydrates. These bacteria particularly enjoy undigested carbohydrates, and the fermentation leads to gas production, hydrogen and methane expelled as flatus. Bloat-inducing foods: try limiting these difficult-to-digest foods (but don’t eliminate the healthy fibre foods altogether): Beans and lentils contain the indigestible carbohydrate raffinose. Brassicas such as Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots, prunes and apricots contain sugars and starches that may cause gas and bloating. Indigestible sweeteners such as Sorbitol, mannitol and fructose. Dairy products can be a source of intestinal distress if you lack the digestive enzyme lactase resulting in trouble digesting the milk sugar known as lactose. Onions and garlic Natural Remedies for Gas & Bloating The following herbs are great for soothing and calming intestinal distress: Peppermint tea Chamomile tea Anise Caraway Coriander Fennel Turmeric And because our Digestive Remedy works naturally to support and optimise your digestive processes, it will automatically help with gas and bloating too. 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. DIGESTIVE HEALTH, DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ June 19, 2018 Previous PostNext Post
Ok, so bloating and gas is definitely not as romantic as floating away in a hot air balloon but the image expresses very well the unpleasant sensation of being full of gas and having a distended stomach. You know you’re suffering from gas and bloating if you have the following digestive discomfort: Signs & Symptoms Abdominal bloating and swelling Abdominal cramps, discomfort and pain Belching Gas Flatulence What causes bloating, gas and flatulence? Bloating, gas and flatulence is a result of undigested food fermenting in the digestive tract. Inadequate digestion can be caused by stress and low levels of stomach acid as well as dietary choices and bacterial overgrowth in the intestine. Poor digestion starves the body of essential nutrients and is the underlying cause of all stomach problems. Stomach problems are digestive problems When food is not digested properly in the stomach, it ferments in the digestive tract which leads to a build-up of gasses and alcohols. This creates pressure in the stomach and causes bloating and discomfort. Factors which inhibit digestion Stress: digestion is dramatically impacted by stress. The body produces adrenaline and cortisol in reaction to stress – the body’s adrenaline response increases the heart rate and redirects blood from the digestive system to the muscular system. Without sufficient blood flow to the digestive system, food is unable to digest. Low levels of stomach acid: Many people with digestive problems are under the misconception that they are OVER producing stomach acid, but more often they are not producing ENOUGH stomach acid. Medication & Dietary Choices: Long term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or pain medication causes inflammation of the stomach and the erosion of the gastric mucosal lining. This inhibits the secretion of digestive juices so leading to food fermenting in the stomach. Certain foods also predispose one to gas and bloating: carbonated drinks, spicy, fried or fatty foods, broccoli, cabbage and onions, beans, dried fruits and anything containing sorbitol, mannitol and maltitol, non-nutritive sweeteners found in sugar-free foods. Bacterial Overgrowth: low levels of stomach acid allow certain bacteria such as H. pylori and E-coli to survive and proliferate inside the stomach and digestive system which can lead to serious stomach problems such as chronic low level inflammation in the stomach as well as ulcers. In our next blog we’ll be giving you some tips in how to manage or prevent bloating & gas. 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. DIGESTIVE HEALTH, DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ June 12, 2018 Previous PostNext Post
It’s happened to all of us. Studying for exams often means working late nights, not eating properly, not getting enough exercise. We get through the final exam and the next morning, bleh! We wake up with a sore throat, aching muscles and a blocked nose – we’re all inflamed and sick as a dog just in time for the holidays. Why does that happen? Our bodies don’t like stress. Who does? When we’re stressed out — rushing to finish projects, anxious about how we’re going to perform in an upcoming exam — our bodies release inflammatory cytokines. What many people don’t realise though, is that it’s not the stress or illness itself that causes inflammation. These inflammatory chemicals are produced by our bodies to prompt the immune system to kick in and fight back against the stress through inflammation as though stress is an infection. While inflammation helps protect us against illnesses and repairs the body when you do something like cut yourself, chronic inflammation is a different case altogether. It’s been linked to autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, anxiety, high blood pressure and more. This is why it’s so important to manage ongoing stress so you don’t risk creating an environment where a chronic stress situation develops. Sure, the famed stress hormone cortisol plays a role in regulating your inflammatory response, but chronic stress can dampen the hormone’s ability to do so, leaving inflammation unchecked. Cortisol is released by the kidneys and helps mobilise the body into a ‘fight-or flight’ mode by causing increased blood pressure, heart rate and sugar breakdown. When ‘fight-or flight’ becomes a chronic way of being, cortisol can no longer do its job and systemic inflammation is the result. This is where OMEGA-UP™ can play a significant role. Studies show that increased intake of EPA improved test subjects’ ability to handle stress and generated significant improvements in mood. In one study, highly stressed medical students experienced a 20% drop in anxiety when compared with the group that took the placebo and blood samples showed a similar drop in circulating inflammatory factors. Consider supplementing your high school children’s diets with OMEGA-UP™ a month or so before exams. You’ll find they’re likely to be a lot more mentally prepared and emotionally robust when the time comes to put pen to paper. REF: 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. OMEGA-UP™ May 23, 2018 Previous PostNext Post
Although Winter is typically the time when we seek warmth in front of the fire, hearty meals and good wine, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t also pay attention to our digestive health. The Other Option in collaboration with Happy Earth People, are proud to bring you a unique detox/digestive health combo for our Winter Detox competition where you could win a jar of Mungday Cleanse and a 250 ml bottle of Digestive Remedy™. Happy Earth People’s Mungday Cleanse is an excellent solution for resting your digestive system for one day of the week. By making this soothing, warming yet light and energising Mungday cleansing meal, you’re optimising your gut health. The Other Option’s Digestive Remedy™ is 100% pure cold pressed Siberian Pine Nut oil has been shown to be effective in treating a number of digestive issues from acid reflux, bloating and gas, to peptic ulcers. Terms and conditions apply. Competition starts 23rd May and ends 6th June 2018. This competition is now closed and our Winner is: Henk Bekker! Congatulations. 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. Competition, DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ May 22, 2018 Previous PostNext Post
Ann was concerned about her son switching to a different educational path for her 14 year old son. He was anxious and not coping well at school. Ann was so impressed with how OMEGA UP helped him with anxiety: It has definitely helped him with his anxiety By Ann – mom to a 14 year old teenager, Cape Town“My son started high school (grade 8) at a tutor centre this year. His term 1 results were the best he has ever had and he was commended on his work ethic and diligence. He takes Omega Up every day and it has definitely helped him with his anxiety. Such a weight off my shoulders to know that he is coping with the transition from primary to high school, and from a traditional school to a tutor centre.” 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. BEHAVIOURAL & COGNITIVE HEALTH, OMEGA-UP™ May 17, 2018 Previous PostNext Post