
What is Anxiety?

It’s normal to feel a bit anxious at times – before starting a new job, writing an exam, speaking in front of a group of people. But if you suffer from anxiety or its close cousin panic disorder, it can feel overwhelming, as if you are suffocating or drowning. Your heart may race, your skin may tingle or your face feels like it’s going numb. You may sweat profusely, hyperventilate, feel your chest is being squeezed or feel suddenly dizzy. And that’s one of the key characteristics of anxiety, it’s not just emotional, it has a physical dimension as well. Sometimes you may feel so overwhelmed you can’t take anything in, you can’t see or hear anything and you literally cannot think. You feel almost paralyzed because your blood leaves the prefrontal cortex and goes into the body, it leaves the thinking part of your brain. Why anxiety disorders matter Despite how common they are, anxiety disorders continue to be dismissed as ‘just worrying’ instead of debilitating, disabling conditions that require treatment. While a little bit of anxiety can be beneficial by keeping us alert and safe, people with untreated anxiety disorders experience overwhelming, uncontrollable feelings of dread or fear that can interfere with daily life and prevent them from doing the things they want to do. Learning more about these conditions is one way to help combat mental health stigma and get help to the people who need it. Inflammatory conditions are indicated in chronic anxiety and mood disorders and the Other Option’s OMEGA-UP™ can offer natural support for anxiety symptoms because it addresses inflammatory states. EPA (a 20-carbon essential fatty acid building block) helps the body synthesize eicosanoid hormones which help to reduce inflammation, and therefore offer a natural solution for helping to manage anxiety. Clinical studies show that EPA is effective when taken in high doses, specifically in a ratio of at least 6 times more EPA than DHA. OMEGA-UP™ boasts a 7:1 EPA:DHA ratio, offering the ultimate formula for feeling up! References 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. BEHAVIOURAL & COGNITIVE HEALTH February 28, 2018 Previous PostNext Post



…the same stuff that masons use to clean bricks. Luckily, our stomachs are lined by a thick layer of mucus to protect us from the acid and the enzyme pepsin that it produces. The mixing motion of the stomach, along with the acid and the breakdown of protein by the pepsin, turns the bolus (the food you just swallowed) into a liquid substance called chyme, which in turn is then slowly released into the small intestine. For a full meal, this process takes approximately two to three hours. Very few substances are absorbed into the bloodstream directly from the stomach, and notably, these are the very substances that can cause stomach irritation: alcohol, aspirin, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Otherwise all other nutrients are absorbed in your blood stream via the small and large intestines. Source: 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. DIGESTIVE HEALTH February 20, 2018 Previous PostNext Post


Magic For Your Digestive Health

This month, we’ve been looking at H. pylori, its symptoms and remedies. Here’s a wonderful testimonial for the Digestive Remedy™ from a Faithful –to –Nature customer. MAGIC for your digestive health! 30/10/2017, By Travis The Siberian Pine Nut Oil is really a miracle! My father used to battle so much with indigestion due to H.Pylori and other digestive issues, but after taking this for about two weeks he has improved amazingly!!!!!!!! You can purchase Siberian Pine Nut Oil Digestive Remedy online here 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. DIGESTIVE HEALTH, DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ February 15, 2018 Previous PostNext Post


Natural dietary recommendations you should also be considering.

This month we’re talking about H.pylori  the bacterial stomach infection that can result in serious stomach ulcers, perforated ulcers and debilitating pain. Apart from using the Digestive Remedy™ , here are 4 natural dietary recommendations you should also be considering when managing the symptoms of H.pylori. Take probiotics. Probiotics are sources of “good” bacteria and yeasts normally found in the body’s microbiome. This includes species of lactobacillus, acidophilus, bifidobacteria, and the yeast saccharomyces boulardii. You can take these as a supplement (following the manufacturer’s instructions) or in foods. Preliminary evidence suggests this may help fight H. pylori. Eat pre-biotics.  Include pre-biotics which help support the healthy gut bacteria by providing food for the bacteria 2-3 times a week. Pre-biotic foods include whole grains, onions, bananas, garlic, honey, artichokes, and leeks. Consume fermented foods. Research has demonstrated that fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi benefit overall health and fight against H. pylori because they contain beneficial yeasts and bacteria known as probiotics. Studies have also shown that cabbage provides effective antibacterial activity against stomach ulcers caused by H. pylori, and broccoli sprouts specifically fight against and control it. H. pylori strains are also inhibited by using fresh garlic, onions and ginger simply as food seasonings, and healthy digestive bacteria remains unharmed. Good food sources of probiotics are fermented foods such as kefir, sauerkraut, pickles, kombucha (a fermented tea), tempeh, kimchi and other foods such as yogurt, miso soup, poi, asparagus, leeks, and onions. Include these foods at least 2-3 times a week in your diet. Use anti-bacterial herbs and spices. Spices such as thyme, cumin, tarragon, cinnamon, allspice and oregano provide strong protection against H. pylori, while spices with moderate antibacterial properties include the capsicum in hot peppers and chillies as well as white pepper, black pepper, anise and celery seed. Additionally, vinegars, such as balsamic, apple cider and wine vinegar, as well as lemon and lime juice help to increase the acidity in the stomach, which helps prevent H. pylori from propagating.   References:     30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. DIGESTIVE HEALTH, DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ February 6, 2018 Previous PostNext Post


What is H.pylori?

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a bacterium that can inhabit various parts of the stomach, particularly the bottom of the stomach (antrum) and pyloric sphincter which separates the stomach and the duodenum. H. pylori is often linked to duodenal and gastric ulcers, and the development of stomach cancer as it causes chronic, low-level inflammation of the stomach lining. According to research, more than 50% of the world’s population has H. pylori in their upper gastrointestinal tract. Infected individuals usually carry the infection indefinitely unless treated.One out of every six patients with H. pylori will develop ulcers of the duodenum or stomach. If you are infected with H. pylori and suffer from uncomfortable symptoms please see CAUSES OF STOMACH PROBLEMS and the effects of poor digestion. H. pylori signs and symptoms: Typically, people with an infection of H. pylori bacteria do not experience symptoms until complications, such as gastritis and peptic ulcer develop. When symptoms do occur, they can vary in nature and severity between individuals. Symptoms of an infection of H. pylori bacteria, gastritis and peptic ulcer can include epigastric pain, and burning in the upper abdomen. Other symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, and pain between the shoulder blades in the back. The pain of a peptic ulcer often begins about two hours after eating and also occurs at night. Eating more food or taking an antacid often decreases or relieves the pain. The Other Option’s DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ Siberian Pine Nut Oil offers natural support for H.pylori symptoms. 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ February 1, 2018 Previous PostNext Post