Ask anyone where their brain is and they’ll look at you strangely and point to their heads. But science now acknowledges a wider truth; we actually have 3 brains – our head, heart and gut (also known as the enteric brain). Each brain interacts with the other two and functions interdependently in a mutually supportive way. What defines a brain? Your spleen is not a brain. Nor is your lung. Yet science is defining the heart and gut as 2nd and 3rd brains. Why? The science behind this thinking is that each centre has its own intrinsic nervous system. They have neurons and the ability to perform a range of complex adaptive processes such as absorbing information, processing, storing, changing and adapting that information. A very basic definition of brain is that if it can learn, then it can be considered to be a brain. OUR 3 BRAINS & WHAT THEY DO The head brain is the most obvious one, in charge of thinking perception and cognition. It creates meaning, narrative and language. It uses words such as ‘I think’ and ‘I understand’. The second brain is the heart, the seat of emotion. Our values lie here along with the process of emoting Heart-based language uses phrases such as ‘I feel’. It also is the place of consciousness of self. It’s why we intuitively point to our hearts when we say ‘I’ or ‘me’. The third brain is the enteric brain, the gut. This is where our core identity resides. What is me, what is not me? This becomes clearer when we consider that the function of our gut is to process our food taking in nutrients our body needs and discarding all other substances via the digestive process. Our gut plays the critical role of managing our immune system, determining what is friend and what is foe – which is why we feel fear and anxiety in our gut. But we also ‘have the guts’ to do something courageous, it’s our gut that propels us into action. THE DEEPER CONNECTION BETWEEN BRAIN & GUT A deeper investigation into the enteric brain, this mass of neural tissue filled with important neurotransmitters reveals that the gut does so much more than manage digestion. It has a direct connection to the large brain in our skulls and partly determines our mental state. A large part of our emotions are quite likely to be influenced by the nerves in our gut. A simple example is ‘butterflies in our stomach’ signalling our physiological stress response. Of course gastrointestinal (GI) problems can contribute to a bad mood, but more than that, our every day emotional well-being may rely on the messages sent from the enteric brain below to the brain above. Given the connection between these two brains, it’s no surprise to learn that depression treatments which are aimed at the mind, can unintentionally – and negatively – impact the gut. 95% of the body’s serotonin is found in the bowels. Because antidepressant medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRSs) increase serotonin levels, it’s little wonder that meds meant to change chemical balances in the mind more often than not cause GI issues as a side effect. MENTAL ILLNESS – IT’S ALL IN YOUR GUT? Well, no, it would of course be simplistic to say that gut issues cause mental illness. However, as we have seen, the gut communicates with our big brain – with profound results. The gut may trigger big emotional responses in those suffering from IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome), constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, pain and stomach upset. Historically, researchers believed that it was anxiety and depression that contributed to these problems. “But studies show that it may also be the other way around with researchers finding evidence that irritation in the GI system may send signals to the central nervous system which trigger mood changes,” explains Jay Pasricha, M.D., director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Neurogastroenterology, whose research on the enteric nervous system has gained international attention. ‘This could well explain why a higher-than- normal percentage of people with IBS and other gut issues develop depression and anxiety.” It’s why here at The Other Option, we’re passionate about advocating natural ways of dealing with gastrointestinal issues such as supplementing with Siberian Pine Nut oil. We believe the benefits can be so much more far-reaching than simply alleviating symptoms of GI distress. 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ September 29, 2017 Previous PostNext Post
Tag: siberian pine nut oil
Don’t confuse Siberian pine nuts with the pine nuts you buy as an ingredient for making your own basil pesto! They are quite different and come from different varieties of pine trees (Pinus pinea or Pinus koraiensis). Unlike other pine trees, Siberian pine trees (Pinus sibirica) only produce pine nuts after 60 years. Thereafter, they produce nuts every 1-2 years (12 kg per tree) making Siberian pine nuts one of the most exclusive specialty nuts on the market. WHY IS SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL SO HELPFUL FOR DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS? The really special ingredient is Pinolenic acid, which is found in high concentrations in Siberian Pine Nut oil. It’s been extensively researched and shown to aid in digestion, balancing out the stomach environment, preventing food from fermenting in the digestive tract. As a result, it provides effective relief for bloating, pain, reflux and other stomach problems. This is because Pinolenic acid stimulates the release of cholecystokinin (CCK) a hormone fundamental to digestion, secreted by cells in the duodenum which stimulate the release of bile into the intestine and the secretion of enzymes by the pancreas. Studies have shown that Pinolenic acid boosts the release of CCK by 60%. WHY IS CCK SO VITAL FOR DIGESTION? CCK helps the body to: increase absorption of essential nutrients increase insulin secretion stimulate the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria assists in protecting the stomach’s mucosal lining from inflammation and ulceration In addition, CCK stimulates the digestion of fat and protein and regulates the speed of digestion which plays a key role in effective digestion in the small intestine. WHAT ARE OTHER BENEFITS OF TAKING SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL? As this is a completely natural product, it’s FREE of any negative side effects, unlike those related to antacids. The Other Option’s DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ Siberian Pine Nut Oil has a whole range of positive benefits apart from its good effect on digestion. These include: dramatically improving skin complexion and problem skin conditions, helping to lower cholesterol and benign hypertension, naturally boosting energy, the immune system and improving metabolism and weight control. Overall, it promotes support and maintains digestive balance, health and vitality! I have been taking The Other Option’s DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ Siberian Pine Nut Oil for the last six months and have found it very helpful in easing the discomfort after meals that I had been suffering. Having had a lot of issues through menopause and having gone through the trial and error process of eliminating first gluten, and then dairy from my diet I found I was keeping much better health. The downside seemed to be a lowered immune system. After a severe stomach virus I found I was still having a lot of discomfort after meals. My new dentist who is also gluten intolerant and taking this product, recommended I take the oil which improved my wellbeing dramatically. Within the first few days I noticed the difference and since then I have found my immune system has improved as well. If you have issues with your body processing food after meals I certainly recommend this product. I won’t be leaving home without it.Sue, Waitakere Learn more 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ July 25, 2017 Previous PostNext Post
In our culture of instant gratification, we’re led to believe that fast equals effective. So when it comes to choosing treatment for digestive problems it’s tempting to take the convenient approach and opt for conventional medication. And why not? It usually offers immediate relief of symptoms. Makes sense, right? However, there’s a long-term effect of treating symptoms in the short term: you don’t get to address the underlying condition that’s causing the problems and there are some serious side-effects to consider. But decide for yourself! THE EASY OPTION Many digestive ailments are treated with antacids or acid blocking medications such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) or H2 Blockers. Most antacid disclaimers suggest the product should be discontinued after 14 days, whilst PPIs and H2 Blockers’disclaimers state that the product should be discontinued after 8 weeks. Conventional medicines only offer short-term relief of symptoms, but do not treat the underlying issues. PPI’s and H2 Blockers suppress the body’s natural secretion of gastric juices. In addition antacids are alkaline-based and are used to neutralize stomach acid. Doing this on a regular basis increases the occurrence of food allergies. According to Professor Erika Jensen-Jarolim and colleagues at the University of Vienna “Medications that reduce acid secretion OR neutralize the acidity within the stomach may set up a situation where harmless food proteins become potential allergens, which can then trigger an immune system response resulting in an allergic reaction.” Without sufficient levels of stomach acid, the body is also unable to absorb the vital nutrients essential for normal functioning, proper digestion cannot take place and the brain, bones, immunity and nerve functions are all compromised. In addition there are a significant number of side effects of antacids: Anxiety, Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Headaches, Fatigue, Kidney Stones, Hypercalcemia, Mood Swings, Muscle Pain, Nausea, Osteoporosis, Renal Failure, Rickets, Urination Frequency and Discomfort. THE OTHER OPTION Pinolenic acid – which is found in high concentrations in Siberian Pine Nut Oil –is known to help with digestion, balancing out the stomach environment and preventing food from fermenting in the digestive tract. This leads to the effective relief of bloating, pain, reflux and other stomach problems. It is a natural solution which helps the body perform optimally. The Other Option’s DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ Siberian Pine Nut Oil is a supplement with NO NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS and can be taken on a LONG TERM BASIS. Take a look at our suggested treatment programme for dosage and directions. There are a number of other positive side effects to using a natural remedy such as The Other Option’s DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ Siberian Pine Nut Oil including: weight control improved complexion lower cholesterol increased energy, immunity and metabolism. Remember to take into account that when moving from the long term use of conventional medication to The Other Option’s DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ Siberian Pine Nut Oil, you may experience some withdrawal symptoms as your body re-balances itself. A CUSTOMER TELLS HER STORY: ‘I FELT LIKE I HAD SWALLOWED A KNIFE!’ “I’m 38 now, since I was 22 I have suffered from a peptic ulcer, gastritis, spastic colon and other stomach related issues due to stress. I was on medication for a while but couldn’t afford taking the medicine for long periods of time. I decided to eat what I like and take the consequences! Most recently I was in excruciating pain and felt like I had swallowed a knife! The pain in my stomach and behind my ribcage was excruciating, I couldn’t eat, my energy levels were low, I felt depressed and my skin had a strange and unhealthy colour. I felt so bad that I couldn’t function normally. I decided to consult the Internet where I found The Other Option’s DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ Siberian Pine Nut Oil. I went to buy it this past Friday and could feel a difference on Saturday already as I could eat without feeling severe pain afterwards. On Sunday, I noticed that my skin had a healthy glow. I couldn’t believe it! Today is Monday and I feel so much better, my stomach isn’t bloated and sensitive anymore. I can’t wait to see how I’m going to feel in another few days’ time. It’s amazing! I will recommend this product wherever I go.” Rindi Boshoff, Pretoria 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ May 22, 2017 Previous PostNext Post
We all know that serotonin is the feel-good neurotransmitter. (It’s not a hormone by the way, contrary to what many people believe.) But did you know that 95% of the body’s serotonin supply is to be found in our bowels? There’s been considerable research linking gut health and depression so it makes a lot of sense that when our digestive system is compromised by conditions such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), it can adversely affect our emotional health.
Treating your immune system
Treating your immune system News24 recently published the article, “Your gut is the cornerstone of your immune system”, which highlighted some interesting facts on how lifestyle, diet and the overuse of antibiotics cause an increase and disruption of the gut microbes that are the basis of Treating your immune system !