
Postpartum sadness is more common than you think

While the birth of a baby is usually a joyful and positive experience for most women, there are very powerful social expectations that after the birth of your baby you should feel nothing else but joy, happiness and delight.  Therefore it can be a shock to find yourself also experiencing moments of sadness, anxiety and overwhelm. During the second and third weeks following birth, it is common for women to experience postpartum “baby blues”. These include symptoms such as anxiety, crying, irritability, restlessness and tiredness. These are common feelings and are not necessarily an indication of a more severe type of postpartum depression. Though they can be challenging feelings to deal with, these typically go away within a few weeks and most likely do not require clinical treatment. Omega-Up can be tremendously helpful during these times as a gentle mood-stabiliser.  Because it’s a natural omega fish oil, high in EPA and made from sardines and anchovies (naturally low in mercury and other toxins) it is perfectly safe for breast-feeding moms to use. If your symptoms include excessive and uncontrollable crying, and feelings of sadness and hopelessness are persistent, intense, last longer and begin to affect your ability to care for your baby, you may be experiencing Postpartum depression.  This is a serious condition and requires medical intervention and care. References:     30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. BEHAVIOURAL & COGNITIVE HEALTH, OMEGA-UP™ April 18, 2018 Previous PostNext Post


A natural solution for helping to manage anxiety

This month, we’ve been looking at anxiety, its symptoms and remedies.  Inflammatory conditions are indicated in chronic anxiety and mood disorders and the Other Option’s OMEGA-UP™ can offer natural support for anxiety symptoms because it addresses inflammatory states.EPA (a 20-carbon essential fatty acid building block) helps the body synthesize eicosanoid hormones which help to reduce inflammation, and therefore offer a natural solution for helping to manage anxiety. Clinical studies show that EPA is effective when taken in high doses, specifically in a ratio of at least 6 times more EPA than DHA. OMEGA-UP™  boasts a 7:1 EPA:DHA ratio, offering the ultimate formula for feeling up! Here’s a wonderful testimonial for OMEGA-UP™ from a Faithful –to –Nature  customer. Omega-Up for a scholar!30/10/2017, By AnnMy 12-year-old son started using Omega-Up about 6 months ago. He is quite an anxious child and it has helped him through the 2nd and 3rd terms of his Grade 7 year, with a marked improvement in his results. We’ll definitely continue using the Omega-Up capsules into the future. You can purchase Omega-UP online here 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. BEHAVIOURAL & COGNITIVE HEALTH, OMEGA-UP™ March 15, 2018 Previous PostNext Post


Everyone copes differently

Apart from taking a good Omega EPA supplement with a ratio of EPA:DHA of at least 6:1 (Omega-UP is 7:1) there are some other steps you can take to help you manage anxiety symptoms. What most people don’t know about anxiety is that it requires daily maintenance. Everyone copes differently. It’s about finding what works for you. However 3 of the most common-sense recommendations that are universally helpful are maintaining a healthy diet, getting sufficient rest and daily exercise. It’s particularly important to avoid anxiety trigger-foods such as caffeine, refined sugars, alcohol, and fried foods also exacerbate anxiety symptoms. Eating habits don’t “cause” anxiety, but they make it worse, and the worse your anxiety symptoms are the more your anxiety will bother you. Physical activity improves the immune system, releases calming neurotransmitters (endorphins), tires the muscles, and burns away stress hormones. It’s incredibly important for controlling stress and anxiety, and important for coping. Exercise is not only good for our physical health but also our mental health. Both meditation and yoga have the potential to improve your ability to cope with stress. They teach healthier breathing, and poor breathing is one of the issues that makes anxiety symptoms worse, especially during anxiety and panic attacks. Many people believe the spiritual qualities of meditation and yoga are also helpful for curing anxiety. The important thing to know is that there are strategies that work for managing anxiety. References 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. BEHAVIOURAL & COGNITIVE HEALTH March 6, 2018 Previous PostNext Post


What is Anxiety?

It’s normal to feel a bit anxious at times – before starting a new job, writing an exam, speaking in front of a group of people. But if you suffer from anxiety or its close cousin panic disorder, it can feel overwhelming, as if you are suffocating or drowning. Your heart may race, your skin may tingle or your face feels like it’s going numb. You may sweat profusely, hyperventilate, feel your chest is being squeezed or feel suddenly dizzy. And that’s one of the key characteristics of anxiety, it’s not just emotional, it has a physical dimension as well. Sometimes you may feel so overwhelmed you can’t take anything in, you can’t see or hear anything and you literally cannot think. You feel almost paralyzed because your blood leaves the prefrontal cortex and goes into the body, it leaves the thinking part of your brain. Why anxiety disorders matter Despite how common they are, anxiety disorders continue to be dismissed as ‘just worrying’ instead of debilitating, disabling conditions that require treatment. While a little bit of anxiety can be beneficial by keeping us alert and safe, people with untreated anxiety disorders experience overwhelming, uncontrollable feelings of dread or fear that can interfere with daily life and prevent them from doing the things they want to do. Learning more about these conditions is one way to help combat mental health stigma and get help to the people who need it. Inflammatory conditions are indicated in chronic anxiety and mood disorders and the Other Option’s OMEGA-UP™ can offer natural support for anxiety symptoms because it addresses inflammatory states. EPA (a 20-carbon essential fatty acid building block) helps the body synthesize eicosanoid hormones which help to reduce inflammation, and therefore offer a natural solution for helping to manage anxiety. Clinical studies show that EPA is effective when taken in high doses, specifically in a ratio of at least 6 times more EPA than DHA. OMEGA-UP™ boasts a 7:1 EPA:DHA ratio, offering the ultimate formula for feeling up! References 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. BEHAVIOURAL & COGNITIVE HEALTH February 28, 2018 Previous PostNext Post