Is your child anxious about going back to school? It can be nerve-wracking for a child to go into a new school or new grade. Here at THE OTHER OPTION we’ve found that Omega-UP works wonders for NATURALLY stabilising children’s moods and sense of well-being especially around times like going back to school or exam time. Suitable for children from age 10, Omega-Up is available from stockists near you or directly from The Other Option. Please contact Sue Malby on 0861 88 88 39 to order and for more information. See what mum Ann has to say on Faithful-to- Nature: “My 12-year- old son started using Omega Up about 6 months ago. He is quite an anxious child and it has helped him through the 2nd and 3rd terms of his Grade 7 year, with a marked improvement in his results. We’ll definitely continue using the Omega Up capsules into the future.” You can order online at Faithful-to- Nature. And if mum or dad are going through stressful times, it’s fantastic for them too! Read more about how Omega-Up benefits mood disorders and depression. 30 Aug 2018 A HAPPY TUMMY MEANS A HAPPY YOU 27 Jul 2018 HELP! MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! 13 Jul 2018 CAN OMEGA-3 HELP WITH ADHD? 28 Jun 2018 A natural solution for digestive relief 25 Jun 2018 Myth or Fact: Digestion takes place primarily in the stomach. BEHAVIOURAL & COGNITIVE HEALTH January 29, 2018 Previous PostNext Post
Tag: natural remedies for depression
We all know that serotonin is the feel-good neurotransmitter. (It’s not a hormone by the way, contrary to what many people believe.) But did you know that 95% of the body’s serotonin supply is to be found in our bowels? There’s been considerable research linking gut health and depression so it makes a lot of sense that when our digestive system is compromised by conditions such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), it can adversely affect our emotional health.